Chapter 16. Modeler

Now it's time to think where to get actual 3D models for our Project. Our options are: So, let's start with the last option - generate models programmatically. It will be a set of tools and classes, a considerable part of our engine. Let's create a placeholder for it. 1. In Windows File Explorer under […]

Chapter 11. Textures

1. To use textures, we first need to load them into the application. Using an image-loading library that supports several popular formats looks like a good solution. I like stb_image.h by Sean Barrett. Especially I love that it's a single h-file, not a lib or dll. You can download it here. Save it in C:\CPP\engine […]

Chapter 10. Simple shader

Finally, shaders! Let's start from the easiest one, just flat uniform color, which we will pass to the shader as an input, along with mesh data (in our sample - a triangle). Shaders use GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language with syntax similar to C). GLSL is executed directly by the graphics pipeline. The executable shader program […]