WordPress fix 4. Header, footer

1. Icons in the top menu

WordPress Dashboard->Appearance->Menus allows to manage menus, but in text format only. The only fields available are "URL" and "Navigation Label" in a text format. However, though WordPress itself doesn't offer image options for the menu, CSS does.

Professional advice from Artem Demin:

It is possible to access menu item by its name/title. Then we can adjust its content and appearance. The code for flags in the top menu:

/* flags */
    content: url(https://writingagame.com/img/icons/flag_us01.jpg);
	width: 40px;
	padding-top: 12px;
    content: url(https://writingagame.com/img/icons/flag_ru01.jpg);
	width: 40px;
	padding-top: 12px;

Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS, add code above, Publish.


Well, I would never figure it out by myself…

2. Footer

The footer in my case was little too big:

My attempts to find where I can edit it failed.

Professional advice from Artem Demin:

This is an automatically generated by WordPress non-customizable footer. But we can remove it and add your own instead.
Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS, add code:

/* footer */
.site-info {display: none;} /* hides original footer */
.site-footer {text-align: center;}
.site-footer:before { /* placing content before hidden footer */
	content: "Copyright © WritingAGame.com";



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