Posts by BK:

Game idea(s)

Wanted to call this chapter “Game Concept” or “Game Scenario”, but that would be too premature. There is no clear concept or script in my head yet. Although the visual concept and general direction are more or less settled down. When thinking about a future game, it's important to decide not only what you WANT […]

Chapter 8. Graphics Engine

Cross-platform graphics engine, GameDev, 3D, C++, Android, Windows, OpenGL ES, Visual Studio, Android Studio Well, it's a big topic. I'd even say HUGE. Here we'll need to decide how to build and render our scene/models, where we'll get our 3D models from, how we'll load, unpack and control them, which and how many shaders we […]

Chapter 4. Platform independence

Visual Studio, C++, OpenGL ES, cross-platform In the previous 2 chapters, we have successfully "married" Android and C++, Windows and OpenGL ES. Now, having 2 C++/GLES projects for 2 different platforms, let's see what is common and what is not. The difference actually looks frightening, seems like nothing matches... Except C++ and GL syntax, which […]


How to download repository from GitHub 1. Open provided GitHub repository link, for example (like in chapter 3) 2. Click green button "Code". 3. I usually use "Download ZIP". 4. When downloaded, go to your Downloads folder and unpack downloaded zip file to your hard drive (usually C:). 5. Since in my case all […]