Contrary to my expectations, these 2 topics were not that complicated. So I decided that one article on them would be enough. Here's how it looks and sounds like:
Essentially, the topic came down to finding a suitable audio library/API.
I've checked a few, including OpenSL, OpenAL, irrKlang, SFML, FMOD, PortAudio, SDL2, etc. Many of them, despite their own claims, are not truly cross-platform (or I couldn't get them to run), some are not even "audio APIs" but multimedia device interfaces . And most of them are huge and heavy.
I continued searching and finally came across miniaudio.h by David Reid, which well deserves to be #1 in relevant Google searches (I lost too much time checking other useless or misleading options). A single h-file 2-level API. Nice, compact and convenient. Only the samples list confused me a bit. The correct sample to start with is "Engine Hello World", NOT a "Simple Playback".
On my side it's implemented in MySound class. Extra parameters in my calls allow to regulate volume and pitch of the sound.
Most sounds are from
The standard approach is "particle system". Here it's basically the same, only the particles are bigger and animated. The classes involved are:
- subjs/Smoke
- subjs/Exhaust
- rr/ExhaustLoco
Source code
As usual, on GitHub: