Chapter 1. Preparing workplace

Visual Studio, Android Studio, project basic structure First step is to prepare a placeholder for our project. *VERY IMPORTANT part missing from most guides is how to organize your folders. So, first - root folder, where we’ll keep all our projects plus all reusable stuff, such as graphics engine, etc. I’ll call it “CPP” (for C++). […]

Chapter 38. Hierarchical models

Now we are ready for more complex models, consisting of several elements with individual behavior. For example - car, where body will be a parent (root) element, and wheels - child elements. For both, body and wheel, we'll need separate model descriptors and separate classes, which will handle their behaviors. 1. In Windows File Explorer […]

Chapter 37.2. GitHub

Just to make sure that we are on the same page, let's synchronize our environments. You can download full current Project repository from Windows solution, x86: _wg37-main\a997modeler\p_windows\p_windows.sln Android solution, ARM64: _wg37-main\a997modeler\p_android\p_android.sln Important changes here: In order to untie the project from C:\CPP, all paths in projects properties were converted to relative form. Like ..\..\engine […]

Chapter 36. "Glass" effect

The model is almost ready. Two remaining missing pieces are: For clear-film we don't even need to write a new shader. We will use our "mirror" shader (as for gilded prints) with white noise as a main texture (uTex0) and will "translate" it to semi-transparent 8x1 texture glass01.bmp (uTex3), imitating glass reflection. It's a plain […]