The idea is the same as in previous chapter - to place the data files within the reach of the executable. However, in Android's case we are dealing NOT with the "executable", but with APK. Besides, we have to deliver data files not just to different folder, but to different device. The only "transport" (known […]
Category: Cross-platform 3D
Chapter 7. External data files, Windows
Now we are ready to start writing real (practically usable) shaders. Right now we have 2 sample (1 vertex and 1 fragment) shaders, that are hard-coded in TheGame.cpp. Obviously, not the best solution, but for simplicity's sake was quite reasonable. In our turn, we want to keep our shaders outside of the executable. 1. In […]
Chapter 6. Cross-platform, Android
Now we will try to run TheGame spinning triangle sample on Android. 1. Start Visual Studio, open C:\CPP\a999hello\p_android\p_android.sln solution. 2. Under p_android.NativeActivity project add “xTheGame” filter: Right-click on p_android.NativeActivity project -> Add -> New Filter. Name - xTheGame Under xTheGame add Existing Item: Right-click on xTheGame -> Add -> Existing Item, Navigate to C:\CPP\a999hello Files […]
Chapter 5. Cross-platform, Windows
In this chapter we will dissect our GLFW spinning triangle sample. We will move “game” implementation into a separate class, which we will reuse later in Android version. It will be triangle rendering related code. In order to make it platform-independent we will separate it from platform-specific calls. All environment related code, such as window […]
Chapter 4. Printf in OpenGL ES
Now, having OpenGL ES projects for 2 different platforms, we can see what is common and what is different. Common is generic structure: Creating GL context, initializing data, main loop with frames rendering, exit. GL calls (Thank God!) look similar too. The difference is in program and GL initialization, in GL-related includes (gl/egl on Android […]
Chapter 3. Hello Windows
Visual Studio, Windows, C++, OpenGL ES, GLFW, GLAD Using OpenGL ES on the PC is less straight forward than on Android. The reason is that GL ES is intended for mobile devices, NOT for desktops. Fortunately, solutions do exist. OpenGL producers strongly advise to use a window toolkit (GLFW) and an OpenGL loading libraries (GLAD). […]
Chapter 2. Hello Android
Visual Studio, Android, Native activity, C++, OpenGL ES Official Android languages are Java and Kotlin. Native activity will allow us to write code for Android in C++. Besides, Visual Studio’s Native activity template includes OpenGL ES initialization. 1. Open Visual Studio. Pick "Create a new project". In templates menu pick Android, then “Native Activity Application […]
Chapter 1. Installing Visual Studio
1. Google “Visual Studio download”. Proceed to Continue to Download Visual Studio -> Community 2022 (or whatever is current). Download and start installer. 2. On Workloads page pick “Desktop development with C++”. Don’t need extra components so far, so use default settings (on the right-hand side panel). If necessary, we can install them later. […]
First reincarnation. Introduction.
Once upon a time, when Visual Studio supported NativeActivity for Android apps (and Android devices were quite happy with them), the life was simple and innocent and developers could handle both Windows and Android projects from the same IDE (Visual Studio). But suddenly, in mid-2022, it ended abruptly. Not excluded that it will be back […]